Newsletter: Everything will be in sunshine... for the first time in 25 years!

Newsletter: Everything will be in sunshine... for the first time in 25 years!

In July 2015, for the first time in 25 years, the Czech Republic might see an end to the total eclipse of state finances.

According to Bohuslav Sobotka, deputies will have voted by July 8th at the latest on whether all future contracts closed by the state and municipalities will be published on the internet. Andrej Babiš, encouragingly, has arrived at the same conclusion. But if Sobotka and Babiš are wrong in their estimates, and the vote sees yet another postponement—until after the summer—then contracts will only begin to be published after the next elections. (This is due to the implementation process and deferral of sanctions.) This can hardly be seen as respecting the current coalition’s big pre-election promise and “priority.” That’s why everyone is anxious to see how it all turns out.

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Read our latest newsletter about:

  • Registry of Contracts and total eclipse of state finances
  • What’s the story on the other “Reconstruction bills?”
  • Comparative analysis: Czech political parties have higher income than their Polish and Slovak counterparts; yet they lack effective oversight
  • Can law prevent conflicts of interests? Do we need “brakes” on power?
  • Supporting Reconstruction of the State

Read the whole edition online here.

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